Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Stocking Stuffer?

Ubislate 7Ci tablet.  Picture from the article by
ReadWrite Enterprises
"Can This $20 Tablet Really Change The World?" is an article published today by Fredric Paul in ReadWrite Enterprises.  The article details the promise of the Ubislate 7Ci tablet.

If this tablet can be mass produced at this price then it will change the lives of billions of people around the world.  In the US if this tablet was available at this price it would probably be a stocking stuffer this Christmas...

Well, the tablet is not really $20, it is actually $40 or is it really $60?  $20 is the subsidized price projected by the Indian government.  I'm not really going to pick on the price because it is low either way.  But has anyone foreseen the unintended consequences?

Millions and billions of poor people live in areas with little to no wifi coverage.  What will be the reaction of people who eagerly buy this tablet with their meager savings only to find out that they cannot get it to work anywhere?  Are the governments also planning huge infrastructure projects to bring vast pipes of wifi into disadvantaged areas?

Could the private sector come to the rescue to provide pay for access connections, and just what could you charge poor people for access anyway?  Lots to think about.

What do you think?

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Attracting Foreign Born Entrepreneurs

Visa Struggle

It has been widely reported that Tech companies are struggling to get sufficient visas for their foreign employees and that many companies are moving their offices and labs out of the country to get away from visa issues completely.

Bills to add additional residency options for entrepreneurs have been stuck in Congress.
Increased Emphasis

The Triangle Business Journal recently reported that the Government has an increased emphasis on attracting and keeping more foreign born entrepreneurs.  See that article: "Government steps up efforts to help foreign-born high tech entrepreneurs".

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) Director Alejandro Mayorkas says that increased training on business visa applications is helping to improve the responsiveness by USCIS.  USCIS has also created a new website Enrepreneur Pathways to enable foreign entrepreneurs to navigate through the different immigration options.

Fix for a Broken System?

Currently, the visa process for highly skilled foreign nationals that want to work or build a business in the US is badly broken.  It is not in the best interests of the US to allow this part of our immigration system to remain coupled with the highly politicized 'migration immigration' issue. Lets hope that the new efforts by USCIS will  begin to address the visa problems.

What are your thoughts?

Saturday, December 1, 2012

New Asian Economic Alliance excludes the US

The Asia Times presents a disturbing picture in their recent article "Post-US world born in Phnom Penh"

In a November 20 announcement at a summit meeting in Phnom Penh, "15 Asian nations, comprising half the world's population, would form a Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership excluding the United States" (emphasis added)

The article clearly outlines trends that "America's relative importance is fading."

Quotes from the article that will give you a pause to reconsider what you think you know:
"Where does the United States have a competitive advantage? Apart from commercial aircraft, power-generating equipment, and agriculture, it has few areas of real industrial pre-eminence."
"The problem is that Americans have stopped investing in the sort of high-tech, high-value-added industries that produce the manufactures that Asia requires." 
We need to rethink our habits of continually borrowing excessively to support our budget deficits and begin to regain our leadership of investing in the future developments beneficial to all mankind.

NC Ranked 7th in Clean Energy

The Triangle Business Journal has reported that North Carolina is ranked as the 7th most active clean energy job creator in the third quarter of 2012 (article).  I'm remembering reading about quite a few solar and other clean energy projects coming on-line recently in the local area.

I'm sure that this number changes from quarter to quarter, but it is good for NC to have this ranking.

What do you think about clean energy in NC?

Friday, November 30, 2012

Citizen Diplomacy in Cary

If you are watching the Sister Cities Association of Cary (SCAC), you will note that there is rarely a time without lots of activity going on.

Citizen Diplomacy is a high visibility program started by the Sister Cities Commission in 2008 with an ambitious weekend-long program featuring Mary Jean Eisenhower*.  (This was before the Town Commission was dissolved into the Association.**)
Side note: Thursday night was our latest 5th Thursday Social held at Mahoney's Pub.  Several people showed up who had attended the last Citizen Diplomacy event at the Cary Arts Center on March 15, 2012 and want to get involved.  Citizen Diplomacy is a great development tool for SCAC.
The Citizen Diplomacy committee held our first planning meeting at Bocci's for lunch.  Lots of good ideas, decisions and planning.  This will be our 5th program in the series.

We only have ~4 months until the event which will be on March 21, 2013 from 6:30-9pm.  Normally groups take a year planning something like this, but SCAC has event planning down to a seat-of-the-pants science!  Some preliminary work was done to get the announcement in the Town's quarterly brochure so we are locked in on several details which may be constraining, but we will work with those.

SCAC will have a dinner program with a panel of 3 speakers; one from Business, one from International (State Department?) and one from the Non-Profit sector.

I'm looking forward to another great Cary program in the spring.  Cary has a long history of citizen diplomacy, but I will leave that for another blog posting.

* Mary Jean Eisenhower is the Executive Director of People to People International and is the Grand Daughter of Dwight D. Eisenhower who got the whole citizen diplomacy movement started with his summit on September 11, 1956.

** At their April 14, 2011 meeting, the Cary Town Council voted to approve Staff Report PR11-32 which included the removal of the Sister Cities Commission from the Town Ordinance. At that time the responsibilities of the Commission were transferred to the Association.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

P-TECH: Innovation in Education

This morning I attended a talk by Stan Litow, IBM Vice President of Corporate Citizenship, at the Wake Tech Center for Strategic Futures.  What had interested me to go was that the talk was billed as: "Join us as Stan Litow presents a compelling presentation on how computers can and will revolutionize our society."

The focus of the talk was different in that it dealt with how IBM is working in Corporate Citizenship / Socially Responsible Investing, or "whatever you call it," as Stan stated simply.  The majority of the talk was about a way to change the education system to prepare students to start filling the gap of jobs going unfilled due to a lack of available skills in the workforce.

IBM has become very involved with the initiative at the P-TECH High School in Brooklyn.  This is a 3-way partnership between IBM, the local College and the Department of Education.

What is P-TECH?  Their website shows:

Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) is a new type of school that brings together the best elements of high school, college and the professional world.
P-TECH has an innovative grade structure of 9-14.  Students can begin taking college courses in 10th grade and they graduate with a High School Diploma, an Associates Degree and a qualified record of skills.

Each student is paired with an IBM mentor and is part of a 4-5 member team competing against the other teams on some project-based topic.  Curricula is taught more about how you can use it to bring value to a problem that you and/or your group is trying to solve.

Early College Model
The Early College Model is currently being looked at in North Carolina to solve the same skills gap.  

With another P-TECH school ordered up in NYC and 5 in Chicago, maybe the Wake County Schools, Wake Tech and some big employers in the area can look at the P-TECH model as well?

More Information
For more information about P-TECH and the issues Stan Litow discussed this morning, a good resource is this article in the US News and World Reports: "U.S. Needs New Educational Model for Economic Growth"

IBM released a playbook designed to outline "how to develop an innovative grades 9-14 school that connects education to economic development and good-paying jobs."

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Cary Ranked #9 in Competiveness

Cary (actually the Raleigh-Cary MSA) just ranked #9 in competitiveness and job growth across the 100 most populous U.S. metros.

EMSI (Economic Modeling Specialists International) have just published an analysis using "a standard economic analysis method called shift share, focusing on overall job change from 2010 to 2012."

Richard Florida has also commented on this in his latest article "These Are the Cities That Can Show Us How to Create Jobs".

The hard work of Economic Development in the area is really paying off!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

When is Technology Counterproductive?

This is a good question.  Is all Technology helpful?  Do you need a sledgehammer to swat a fly?

I'm troubled that the Technology Task Force (TTF) for the Town of Cary is suffering from a continuing onslaught of technology tools to assist us with our mission.  Each technology offering comes with its own adoption curve due to training and/or paradigm change.  The onslaught is self-inflicted to be sure.

It seems that the TTF has succumbed to the lure of technology tools to creatively tell our story rather than just telling our story.  We now have a hodge-podge of tools we should be using.  Time will tell, but we only have a few more meetings...

What is your experience with technology adoption?

Saturday, August 18, 2012

NC Startup News

Exciting things are coming to North Carolina for startups!  The Startup America Partnership Program is coming to NC with the Startup NC Launch event at the RTP Foundation headquarters on Monday August 20!  On Tuesday August 21, the Council for Entrepreneurial Development (CED) will be hosting the Startup Resource Fair held again at the RTP Foundation headquarters.  Tickets are still available.

What a great place to network and find out what is going on with the startup environment in the area.  I will be there and will let you know what I found interesting at these 2 events.

Monday, August 6, 2012

A Change in Perspective and Back...

Tonight was one of those rare moments where you get to see another side of the story, especially another side of a story that up until now irked you.  A story that you had researched and could find no reason for why the story was playing out the way it was.

I sat in on the Information Services Advisory Board (ISAB) for the Town of Cary.  As the newly appointed Chair of the Technology Task Force, I wanted to find out why the Task Force was needed in the first place and why the recent social media channels rolled out by the Town seemed to be so primitive in their use of these new media channels (Note - These are my opinions only and I am the only one responsible for them...) See here, here, here and here.

I will mention that I was the only citizen sitting in on this open meeting.  My views had already been sent directly to the Town PIO, Susan Moran, and despite her claiming very bad vision, it is possible that all of Susan's comments in the meeting were skillfully directed at me.  After a quick thought about my relative self-importance, I must discount this possibility and realize that Susan's comments and the meeting in general was a normal ISAB meeting.

All that the ISAB discussed in the meeting was social media!

What I will quibble about is the amount of time that the group will devote to developing their annual report to Council...  Most of this ISAB meeting was devoted to brainstorming and trying to develop a "creative" way to deliver their report to Council.  Since they *cannot* discuss anything ISAB related outside of the meeting, this will mean they will spend their next meeting (which will be extended beyond their normal 1 hour meeting) to develop their scripted and produced presentation of the annual report that was approved within minutes of the start of tonight's meeting...

If the volunteers develop a creative way to report a decision that was made by the public body, and if they will not expand upon or change this information, why do they need to meet in public???  When staff is directed to develop a report do they have to do it in a public forum?  The presentation draft would have to be reviewed and approved at the next ISAB public meeting anyway so that it can be presented to Council...  What a waste of volunteer time with over ~1/6 or ~17% of their time developing a way to report on their activities to Council!

Now I know why the Technology Task Force is required.  How much time does the ISAB really have to advise?

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Excited About Technology

I'm always excited about technology, but specifically today I am excited about the prospects of the Town of Cary Technology Task Force!  I have just come from a great short meeting to set our first agenda and I'm excited (can you tell that yet?).

Both Councilor Lori Bush and Asst. Town Manager Mike Bajorek are enthusiastic and passionate about this effort, so there should be no lack of support for this effort.  We have a lot to cover in a short time - only 8 meetings...

We are receptive to input, so let us know what you think we should be discussing as we develop the vision and details for how the Town’s use of technology services can better serve its citizens.

Friday, July 27, 2012

I'm Chair...

I've mentioned the Town of Cary Technology Task Force in a previous Blog. I was recommended for Chair of the Task Force by Lori Bush, but attended the council meeting (Agenda, YouTube) to see if this would be approved. After 3+ hours our topic finally came up and I was approved as the chair of the new Technology Task Force for the Town of Cary.

There are 9 meetings scheduled with a great group of very knowledgeable volunteers.  My job is now to craft an agenda and plan so that we (and the Town going forward) can be successful!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Technology Task Force News

Town of Cary Councilwoman Lori Bush has submitted her recommendations for the members of the Technology Task Force (TTF).  I am humbled to be singled out as the Chair of the task force as an additional member to the expected "up to 8" members as originally planned.  The issue still has to be formally discussed and approved by the Town Council at their July 26th meeting, so I guess I should not be counting chickens yet...

What a great group of people to be associated with!  They have a wealth of knowledge and experience on many, many technology tools.  My technology skills pale in comparison, but it looks like Lori selected me as more of a facilitator and one with knowledge of the Cary Boards and Commissions...

  • Ian Cillay
  • Laura Hamlyn
  • Hal Goodtree (Hal received 6/6 council votes!)
  • Eleanor Thorne
  • Raymond Zeisz
  • Eric Brown
  • James Dixon (ISAB Member)
  • Brandon Smith
  • Ian Henshaw, Chair
Our mission:
Determine how the Town’s use of technology services can better serve its citizens. Specifically, the TTF shall review, evaluate, and prioritize new and emerging technologies that will facilitate better engagement, citizen outreach, and service delivery by increasing involvement and lowering costs, with the overall goal of making it easier for citizens to communicate with the Town and consume available information.
An important note from the formulation of the task force:
This review of the Towns technology services to external users would go hand in hand with staffs proposed development of a Strategic Information Technology (SIT) Plan. The SIT Plan, the development of which would be facilitated by Dr. Shannon Tufts of the UNC School of Government, will provide a framework for strategic IT investments and management for the next three years. Dr. Tufts efforts will mainly focus on the internal needs and challenges of the Town of Cary organization. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Town of Cary - Social Media

The Town of Cary has dipped their toe into social media just a little more than the few twitter accounts they have had.  3 Facebook pages and a YouTube channel!  This got me thinking about the last Economic Development Committee meeting at the Town on June 6 where we were discussing social media:

There was still a reluctance from the group that social media was worth the effort.  There was some discussion about the Technology Task Force that was approved at the May 24th Council meeting.

I was going through some old e-mails and I remembered one thing that was going on during the meeting.  I had seen a tweet about a new Economic Development Partnership Website launch in Raleigh.  I pulled up the pages on my iPad and was showing this to Howard Johnson and Sandy Jordan during the meeting to see if it struck a chord with them that we were possibly being left in the dust and that Raleigh had found out that they could use social media for economic development.  I was disappointed in their reactions and after mulling it over after the meeting, I sent the following e-mail to the group:
FYI.  I saw this late today (tipped off by a Tweet...)

New Economic Development Partnership Website Launched (Raleigh)
http://content.govdelivery.com/bulletins/gd/NCRALEIGH-434a60 (Press Release)
http://www.investraleigh.com/ (Website)

Follow us:
http://www.facebook.com/RaleighPlanning (Facebook)
http://twitter.com/RalEconDev (Twitter)
http://www.youtube.com/cityofraleigh (You Tube)
http://www.flickr.com/photos/raleighgov/ (Flickr)

Sign up for Economic Development communications:
Sign in using your preferred social media account:
  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Yahoo!
I am hoping that the push by Councilor Lori Bush on technology and the approval of the Technology Task Force has pushed the Town staff to realize that social media is a powerful tool to use to communicate with the citizens of the Town of Cary.  Hopefully the Cary Chamber will follow.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Student Power

Another in the fundraising annals of the Student Tuba section at Cary High.  I was not able to attend this car wash as we were busy moving our office, but one of the three student Tuba organizers was able to attend and quite ably "marshaled the troops".

My son Stephen was able to update the Heart of Cary Association (HoCA) with a flier as shown to the right on Thursday morning which might have helped....  An important factor this week was the announcement by Band President, Bob Murray, via the Cary Band e-mail lists of the fundraiser.  (Advertising to those most sensitive to your cause is very important.)

The new wrinkle for the car wash was a bake sale.  The end result was impressive:

  • Car Wash - $463
  • Bake Sale - $40
  • Total for the morning = $503
One moral of the story is that car washes "make money" and bake sales "do not"...

The better moral of the story is that motivated students can make a huge difference!!!

My running total is:
  • Student fundraising - $1,605
  • Sponsorships - $1,225
  • Total = $2,830
The last car washes are July 28 and 29, and then the students will be busy with their 2 week long band camp (8am - 9pm at Cary High in the parking lot in the summer heat...) and then school and marching season.  These students are on their way to great things so please help them to reach their goal.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

HoCA Social Media Panel

This morning was a treat at the Heart of Cary Association (HoCA) meeting.  Not only was the meeting held at the Matthew's House, but the meeting was centered around a panel for Social Media!

What a great panel!

My gripe I will get out and over quickly.  The e-mails announcing the event stated:
Also, because of the nature of the program we will not be able to solicit event updates from the membership or other’s in attendance. However if you would like to distribute ‘handouts’ please feel free to do so.
However, there was a long list of special reports and announcements that while interesting to the quite large group assembled shortened the time for the panel to only 20-25 minutes which did not allow much time to hear from such a great panel...

My takeaways:

  1. Know your target audience and then decide which social media channel to use.
  2. Get over your fear of using social media and start to develop your followers.
    • What is important here is the quality of your followers and their engagement with your information, not the quantity of followers.
  3. You need to know what is being posted about you on-line and this is an important part of your reputation management.
  4. Your website is the hub and you need to tie everything into it.
    • Your website represents you.  You must have an outstanding website!
  5. Uniformity of your integration of the different social media channels is very important
Hal Goodtree by far had the best quote about how to define the young generation from the old in technology terms.  "It all depends on if you are a Digital native or a Digital immigrant"!  I hope you get a chance to hear this directly from Hal as it was funny and captivating.  (I'm not sure that was the actual quote, but it is what I remember...)

Oh, and by the way, the earth shook just before the panel was introduced...  Lyman Collins, Cultural Arts Manager for the Town of Cary, stated that the Town of Cary was moving to FaceBook, with their first pages for Lazy Daze, Spruce and an overall Town page!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Tuba Fundraising

The picture is worth a thousand words...
These students are on their way to bigger and better things!

Advisory Board Purgatory

This has been a long discussion this week regarding an Advisory Board that I am on.

The title of my Blog comes from a blog post by Tara Levy by the title "Avoid Advisory Board Purgatory", an article that a few of us have been quoting to try and deal with our situation.

An Advisory Board does not have any authority to deal with the policy and procedures of an organization.  When I was the president of the Board of a nonprofit, I thought that it was great to have such a "super group" to assist us when we needed, but actually I found it difficult in practice to communicate with this group along with my normal business, family and nonprofit Presidential duties...  (My change to our policy was to 'trap' all of the Past Presidents on the Advisory Board, so that we would always have their institutional knowledge and passion for the organization..., so here I am...)

We attempted to build a bridge between the Board and the Advisory Board by using the Past President as the liaison to the Advisory Board.  Now that I'm a part of the Advisory Board, I'm wondering why I am here and what the organization really needs from me?  It is hard to find out what is going on in the organization directly - I normally hear from other volunteers...

How can our Advisory Board assist when we know nothing more than other interested (or non-interested) individuals?

What has been your experience participating on an Advisory Board?  What insight can you give me?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Car Wash Weekend

This weekend was full of prepping for and watching car washes.  You may remember that the Cary High School Tuba students have decided to raise funds for at least 1 tuba since they will have more tubas than ever before.

The number of tuba students has dropped from 10 to 9 as one of the students was accepted to (I think) the NC School of Science and Mathematics.  [Just what were they thinking of, giving up the marching band life for a "higher calling" anyway... LOL ]  The need for more Tubas is still critical even with this small change in tuba personnel!

The car washes were scheduled for Saturday 9:30am - 1:00pm and Sunday from Noon until 3:30pm.  Since quite a lot of the supplies are in my possession, I was 'obligated' to go even though my son Stephen (1 of the 3 tuba student organizers) was in Boston for a funeral on his mother's side.  Fortunately, I was only needed sparingly to fill in only a few times as the students got themselves organized.  It was good to see another of the Tuba students take on a leadership role in organizing the student team to get the cars washed in a quick and perfect manner.

A side note is that my leadership role with my boys' Boy Scout Troop is in Youth Leadership Training, so I was having a great time in watching the development of youth leadership during the car washes.  They will have something cool and interesting to put on their college resumes!

We had several people who had seen the car washes on the Internet (maybe from this article in the Cary Citizen, or our many Facebook posts).  There were 3 former Cary Tuba players ('08) that came together and a former student from Concord who mentioned that his band director patterned what they did from the Cary Marching Band!

The fundraising is going well with the students so far raising $1,100 from their efforts at car washing and another $1,200 in sponsorships.  There will be a few more car washes in July and then the Cary High School Marching Band Camp starts in August so that will be the end of the fundraising window.  We are now discussing the final plans for a sponsorship blitz and the final car washes...  Success is in the air for these students!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

TWC Blues

So we have been having periodic problems with the home office high speed Internet connection.  Most times the connections are ok, but then we get annoying connection problems.  The speed tests look ok all except for the ping and upload speeds...  Here is one of my trace routes to Google.

The first TWC Business class technical support rep I talked to today at ~2pm (when we were not experiencing the problem) did some connection tests which had an unacceptable ping and packet loss, and then rebooted the modem and all looked ok.  She also had us disconnect our network from the modem and that looked better, so she suggested that the problem was on our end, but gave me a ticket number to pursue the problem if it came back.

I took a trip to Staples (since it was closest and I was time constrained) to purchase all new network equipment for the home office (and the rest of the home...).  I know that when network equipment starts to fail that the debugging process can be very long and frustrating to figure out which component has failed.  I also work with a company that as a best practice replace all of their networking gear every 2 years.  Since our routers switches, etc were older than this - in the 2-5 year range - I thought it best to replace all of it and take the opportunity to upgrade as we did this.

My preference is Netgear and so I purchased the Netgear N900 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router (WNDR4500) and several gigabit Netgear switches.  Once installed, everything looked good and I even got a thumbs up from the "game testers" ;) that the XBox connection had gone from 1 bar to 4 bars, which I took was a good thing...

Well tonight at ~9pm, the Internet connection problems again reared their ugly head.  I did get a very knowledgeable technical support rep this time and we spent time doing trace routes and other networky things.  That I had just replaced all of the networking gear with good equipment short circuited the 20 questions that are always asked about your own network (who really connects directly to the modem to do a speed test these days anyway...)  The one thing that stuck in my mind was that the Tech was having difficulty seeing that the bridge was working (we have a static IP address, so the modem is bridged to pass the public static IP address that is configured in our router).  End result is that it remains a puzzle and that it needs to be escalated to the next level of Tech support, so I will hopefully have more news tomorrow.

I'm thinking that our modem needs to be replaced or there is a problem with the node at the street.  Come to think of it, the neighbor across the street had TWC out a few days ago and they were checking the connections, decided the replace the modem, etc.  Maybe our street has a problem??

What has been your experience with TWC Business Class?

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Tuba Car Wash

This week has been thankfully slow on the charity side of my life, so I can get caught up with work...

The Tuba fundraisers which started last week are still going on and have taken up quite a bit of my time.  On Monday, I took Stephen to the Cary Band Booster Meeting.  Stephen was first on the agenda and informed the parents about the progress of the fundraisers.  Cary Band Booster President Bob Murray took great pleasure in introducing Stephen and the Tuba student led fundraising efforts.  Bob kept prompting Stephen as the parents clapped for each fundraising success by saying "but wait, it gets better..."

On Friday morning, Stephen was presented a check for $1,000 from the Heart of Cary Association (HoCA).  That is Doc Thorne (HoCA President) on the left and Joy Pike (HoCA Board member and Treasurer) on the right in the picture above.  The money was donated by an anonymous member of HoCA to dedicate a Tuba in honor of former Cary Mayor and long-time Cary Band supporter, Mr. Koka Booth.  Bob Murray was also in attendance and after the presentation ended, Doc and Joy kept thinking of fundraising ideas for Stephen to follow up that it was hard to get out of there and let everyone get back to work!  Have you ever had one of those times when the cue is given to leave, everyone gets up and then the conversation restarts?  Well after 3 of those, I went outside and kept trying to reel Stephen out of the office...  Lots of fun!

Today was also lots of fun as the Tuba students and their friends again set up to run a car wash from 9:30am to 1pm outside the Band Room at Cary High School.  We had all of the car wash stuff identified from last week (and the signs from last week) so getting ready for the car wash was relatively easier than last week...  More kids came out which made it so that I did not have to help wash any of the cars (a bonus for me!).  I did run out to get donuts to fuel the kids (Krispy Kreme), and then had to make more trips to get car wash liquid and to replace a hose that had an end fitting failure.  One of the other parents arrived with pizza at the end which was definitely a hit with the kids.

The car wash was another success with a constant stream of cars and there was only maybe a 5 minute lull in the action.  There were even 2 trusting folks that left their keys and cars to be washed while they went to watch a youth baseball game at the Cary High fields.  Several people stopped by just to give a donation.  The final tally was $460, which is a great result for a morning effort!  More car washes and other fundraisers are planned by the Tuba students over the summer.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Fundraising - The Next Generation

In this blog, I am not talking about a new method of fundraising or something Star Trekkie, but an inspiration from a few of our youth as they start on the path towards fundraising for charitable causes.

My son Stephen is a rising Junior at Cary High School and is avidly part of the Marching Band.  He has mentioned many times that with the incoming class of Freshman, there will be 10 Tuba players.  The issue is that Cary High currently has 6 functional Sousaphone Tubas (the type they use in Marching Band), so they need to get 4 more.  At $5,000-10,000 each, this is a major budget impact to the Marching Band funds.

Stephen decided that the student Tuba players should get together and fund raise to help offset these costs to the Cary Band Boosters, and started to organize the Tuba players (The Power Line) and others to hold a series of car washes over this summer.  Hearing of his plans and myself being involved with fundraising for several non-profits, I began the process of trying to guide Stephen to hone his message and pitch to potential donors.  Since Stephen was receptive, we got a good deal of the message work done, so he had developed a compelling 'ask'.

I also broached the idea of Stephen pitching to the Heart of Cary Association (HoCA), which involves many of the downtown merchants and residents.  Since Cary High has roots going back well over 75 years and was the only High School in Cary until the Cary's recent explosive growth, the HoCA would be most sensitive to the needs of Cary High School (called "The" Cary High School!).  I was able to get Stephen onto the agenda at their regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, June 7, and Stephen did a great job pitching the idea.  We found out later that a member of the HoCA donated $1,000 anonymously for the Tuba Fund (Way to go Stephen)!  Stephen was also approached by the head of the Downtown Cary Farmers Market (DCFM) that they would give space for the Tuba pitch if Stephen wanted.  As a follow-up Stephen did contact everyone that showed interest at the HoCA meeting via e-mail later in the day.

A few frantic calls later to Mr. Minick, the Band Director, and to a few friends, Stephen was able to put together a group to attend the DCFM - in uniform and with a Sousaphone - for the Saturday market!  They were to pitch the idea and the car wash they had planned for the this afternoon from 1-4:30pm.

Thursday evening, Stephen and I and others went to dinner with a very good friend of mine, Ms. Mercedes Auger, who has taught me almost everything I know about non-profits and fundraising (and a few other things as well).  Stephen put up with another onslaught of questions from Mercedes about his pitch and developed levels of sponsorship - $100, $250 and $500+.  Stephen was able to come up with a sponsorship of $100 from Mercedes which I matched and Stephen felt that he could get the current Tuba section to add another $100 sponsorship (~$10 per Tuba which seems reasonable for kids to show donors that they have skin in the game...).  So another $300 raised at the dinner.

Today, Stephen and 3 others that came out in the morning did a great job at the DCFM pitching the ask, handing out information and asking people to attend the car wash and/or to donate.  I spent the morning running all over town getting odds and ends to make the morning event and car wash successful.  After asking many questions and getting a testy "I'll take care of that" over the past few days, I realized that this student group had the idea and the passion but were not yet ready to handle the details (something that will come with practice...).  I did not want to dampen their enthusiasm, so I spent a lot of in-kind purchasing to make sure that the poster board and markers, hoses and fittings, brushes and sponges, water and ice, table and pop-up tent, step ladders, drying rags, etc. would be available.

The car wash was a success with several people who had been at the DCFM stopping by to get their cars washed.  Yes, there were also a lot of cars from the student's families that came through, but a good mixture for only ~7 students and 2 adult 'chaperons'.  The result from the day was $75 in donations at the DCFM and $255 at the car wash so $330 total for the day!  Not bad for something put together on very short notice by students.

So to recap: In a few days, Stephen and his group have raised $1,630 and we have since heard that there is an anonymous band booster who will match what the students raise, up to 1/2 the price of a Tuba!

There is a buzz about what the students want to do for the car wash next week, so I will be interested to see how they learn and adapt!

It is great to see the next generation taking on the roles of leadership and fundraisers.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Economic Development Committee Mtg.

Tonight was the regularly scheduled Economic Development Committee (EDC) for the Town of Cary.  All members were in attendance.  Our guest Mr. Dave van Pelt was unable to attend so we will have to reschedule Dave's discussion for another meeting.

Sandy Jordan gave his usually fantastic summary of all that has been going on since the last meeting, and WOW, there is so much going on.  Sandy and Tom Huff (Chair of the Cary Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors) both confirmed that the pace of inquiries is slower in the 2nd quarter than it was in the first.  Cary is better off than many areas in that our unemployment rate is the lowest of the 7 largest NC municipalities.

The Global North Carolina "Heat Map", developed by the Center for International Understanding and SAS Institute was discussed as a great tool to be able to understand the global nature of the state of North Carolina at a County level.

In the 'cities with the most college educated residents' category, the Raleigh-Cary Metro Area ranks 7th at 41.0% (based on 2010 data from the Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program).  Just Cary alone was mentioned to have at least 60% of the residents have a 4-year degree or more...

Social Media was again discussed by the EDC, but no definitive action was proposed.  This issue has been brought up several times, but the resistance to how it would be helpful and how much cost and staff time it may take seem to the the sticking point for many in the meeting.  They do not want to start and be unable to respond quickly to inquiries via this media.  I again voiced my point that we bill ourselves as the Technology Town, but we are completely absent on the rapidly growing communication media that more and more people are active with.  Is it more of a fault to not be present, than to be present and respond slowly?  From what I learned a few days ago, the last time that Social Media was discussed in the EDC, Pinterest probably did not exist, but has now grown to be the 3rd largest social media network!  Can we really wait to join in the conversation?

Doc Thorne had a great comment about Social Media.  National Train Day was held in Cary on May 12.  We took the event from Raleigh because last year only 3 people showed up in Raleigh for the event and Amtrak is looking at the Cary station to penetrate the Western Wake market.  In only 4 weeks, the event was put together and was advertised only via social media.  We thought that if 200 people showed up that it would be a success, but the estimates are that between 1,000-3,500 people visited National Train Day at the Cary Train Station.  Amtrak is so impressed that they are reported to now place information on all seats of the trains operating between Washington and Charlotte about Downtown Cary!  There is proof of the power of Social Media!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Railhawks Blues

So far, I have had conflicts to all of the Carolina Railhawks Lamar Hunt US Open Cup games and have had to find people to take my season tickets and/or take a few of my tickets and take my boys to the game.

Tonight was no different as I had an invitation to attend a social of the Canadian Business Association of North Carolina (The topic of a prior blog post).  I had offered my tickets to someone earlier if they would take my boys, but that fell through, and then my oldest was not sure if he wanted to go because 'graduation practice could be tiring'...  (ahhh, the whims of youth!)  After many text messages and calls, I finally told Stephen (the middle son) that if he could put together a group that could also drive him there, he could get the tickets and the coveted VIP parking pass.  Stephen had not been interested in soccer until the last few games and was able to put together a group to go to the game very quickly.  Hopefully they enjoyed the VIP seats and parking that Stephen 'scored'.

While the Railhawks lost, Stephen obviously had fun complaining about the refs along with our seat mates!

I'm torn as to whether or not I will miss the Railhawks participation in the Cup as I was not able to see any of the games after all.  I was cursed with Tuesday activities...

Canadian Business

Tonight I had the honor of attending the Canadian Business Association of North Carolina (CBANC or CBA-NC) Social.  I was invited by Carol Stymiest, the President of CBANC, who attended the last Sister Cities of Cary 5th Thursday Social - I remember my arm was twisted (very slightly) as Carol mentioned that I needed to attend her meeting...

What a great group of Canadian ExPats and Business leaders.  There was an amazing mix of culture in this group; one was Canadian/Portuguese, one was Canadian/Czech, some were born in the US and spent lots of time in Canada, some were naturalized US and some did not want to become naturalized...  Lots of interesting individual and family stories.

Ben Gailor, Consul and Senior Trade Commissioner from the Canadian Consulate in Raleigh, gave a report of the change in the Canadian Foreign Affairs strategy.  The Consulate in Raleigh will close on July 31 for budget reasons.  That the smaller Consulates are being closed to save $ was not unexpected, but what was a surprise was that the Buffalo, NY Consulate is also being closed (employs 57 or 75 people but I can't remember which - a big number none the less).  Headcount is also being reassigned to Asia.  Ben wanted people to follow him on Twitter so that he could "build the brand"  (@bengailor)  I had previously met Ben at a Cary Business Expo, and will be sad to see him go.

The purpose of the meeting was to generate ideas for future CBANC programs that would be able to give the membership helpful information about issues that Canadian Businesses experience in cross-border trade and in doing business in the US and Internationally.  The meeting broke into 3 brainstorming groups to develop ideas.  I participated in 1 of these, but had to leave prior to the recap of all of the ideas.  Judging by the group I was in, the ideas are bountiful, but the planning and implementation will take time and effort!

CBANC Links:

Monday, June 4, 2012

Social Media Training

Social Media is moving so quickly that any of us in the field need to constantly keep training to make sure that we know what are the tools and how are they changing so we can make the best use of them (and our time...)

Tonight I went to a class given by Martin Brossman and Cramer Gallimore titled "Just the Basics for your Business; Facebook Timeline, Pinterest & Google+".  The 3 hours went quickly as we were exposed to many new things.

Information that I found interesting:

Facebook Timeline
  • Allows you to define when the business was started and add milestones to your history. This gives people the sense of how long you have been in business.
  • Number of friends vs. number talking about you.  2-6% engagement is good, and if the engagement is really low, then maybe the business 'bought' friends to look better than they are...
  • Your updates that people see in their news feeds is based on your engagement, so if there is low engagement, no one will see your updates...  (Don't let your page get stale)
  • The 3rd largest social network which is amazing in that it has only been around ~2 years and has 2 employees...
  • Great for companies with consumer product and experience offerings.
  • 75% female users right now (know your market).
  • It is slowly catching on so grab your page now.
  • Google Places is now Google+ Local.  They have integrated lots of user comments, have composite pictures of your bricks & mortar, (may soon have 360 'street view' of the insides of businesses).
  • My thought is that this is something not to neglect!
I have been going to Martin's classes at Wake Tech for several years and have learned much every time.  It is like drinking from a fire hose!  Martin's Business Page.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

PayPal Transaction E-mail

I just received an e-mail receipt from PayPal for a Debit Card transaction.  The only problem is that I did not make the transaction.  The transaction is posted as a Debit Card Signature Purchase from NATIONAL EXPRESS,BIRMINGHAM,GB.  I am not in England and my card is securely locked in a cabinet at the office and it only comes out to process a purchase...  I have begun the unauthorized transaction process using the unique transaction ID for this charge.  Right now the status of the charge is showing as pending in my PayPal account.

my initial search on Google for NATIONAL EXPRESS,BIRMINGHAM,GB brought up several links on page 1 to sites where people have also had unauthorized charges to their PayPal account from this company.

Hopefully this will be resolved soon.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if all of your credit cards sent you an e-mail confirming each purchase?  That would help you to identify fraud before you actually get your statements to review!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Facebook Friends

I had an extra ticket to the Carolina Railhawks game tonight and I started going through my mental list of people who might want to or could go solo.  I quickly ran out of ideas, and then it hit me: look at my friends list on Facebook!  This dramatically increased the number of people I called...

... and I was successful!

The Power of Social Media

Last weekend, Jackie Holcombe (the Mayor of Morrisville) posted on her Facebook status about a shameful protest at the Miracle League field in Cary.  Hal Goodtree, the editor of the Cary Citizen, picked up on the story.

Yesterday the story ran in the Cary Citizen: Protest at Miracle League Ends in Assault and Arrest.  Through comments on the story and in many Facebook posts, the story has now begun to spread like wildfire!

None of the traditional media outlets have yet to report on this shameful protest.

Quirks of Public Meetings

I am a member of the Economic Development Committee (EDC) for the Town of Cary.  At our last meeting on April 11, I had recounted my conversations with Mr. Dave Van Pelt, the new North Carolina Coordinator for Sister Cities International.  Dave is President of the Twin City Alliance and other business organizations that deal with China and East Asia business connections.  I felt that the EDC would benefit from hearing directly from Dave about the changing international business and investing climate in China and here in NC/SC.

I invited Dave to attend our next EDC meeting on June 6, as since Dave is available, we put Dave on the EDC agenda.  Now here comes the quirky part.

Howard Johnson at the Cary Chamber offered to host a dinner for Dave after the meeting since Dave is coming from Winston-Salem and will return after the meeting.  However, no more than 4 of the 9 EDC members can attend the dinner or else this would be considered a meeting of the group and would have to be posted as an open meeting!  We are trying to work out details of who would be the lucky ones or if we could have dinner brought into the meeting or after the meeting so that Dave can connect will all of us in a less formal format...

Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Fun Evening

What could be more fun than meeting with more than 20 of your old and new friends over a beer and good food?

The Sister Cities of Cary (SCAC) have started the 5th Thursday Socials and they have been very popular.  How many scheduled meetings are there for the 5th Thursday of any month?  None!  It allows everyone to be free for a fun event!

We met at Klara's Restaurant in Downtown Cary.  The Beer choices and the food were excellent.  I was able to meet with old and new friends and relax after a stressful day at work.  Social networking is really powerful!

Ms. Carol Stymiest, President of the Canadian Business Association of North Carolina (CBA-NC) was discussing an International Ex-Pat Business Networking organization which sounds really very interesting.  I will have to follow up on this at the CBANK Spring Meeting on June 5, 2012.  Of course we will also be discussing the Canada Day event we (SCAC) are planning for the Thursday before Lazy Daze (August 25, 2012).  John and Mary Webster will again be in Cary to participate in Lazy Daze - John is the official Town Crier for our Sister City of Markham, ONT., and is also the honorary Town Crier for Cary, NC.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Unexpected Orations

Yesterday was the day full of meetings with the Taiwanese community. 

The first meeting was the official establishment of the North Carolina Taiwanese American Chamber of Commerce (NCTACC) chapter of the North American Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce (NATCC).  I arrived to find the meeting in progress and totally in Chinese.  This was a part of the meeting I was not invited to (for obvious reasons) but it had run late, so I arrived to hear something I found quite interesting as I always love listening to other languages - I cannot understand the words, but to me it is kind of like listening to a song.

Once the first part of the meeting ended, there was lunch and at that point, the discussions were mostly in English, or in a dual format, so this is the part of the meeting that I and a few other non-chinese speakers were invited.  I was seated at the VIP table and was identified as a representative of the Sister Cities of Cary, The Cary Chamber and the Economic Development Commitee for the Town of Cary.  I was asked to give a few words of introduction which I did not expect and was not prepared for, but managed to link our sister cities mission as similar to those identified for the new Chamber of Commerce, and wished the group good fortune in their new venture from the 3 organizations I represented at the meeting.  Carlotta Ungaro, the President of the Morrisville Chamber of Commerce was recognized/spoke after I did.

Too bad this meeting was scheduled for Memorial Day Weekend, as many of our business leaders who should have attended were out of town.  There were representatives from the National organization and Taiwanese business leaders from around the state, including Charlotte and Winston-Salem, etc.

An interesting fact mentioned was that Taiwan is the #6 trading partner with the US.  Another was that many Chinese companies are owned by Taiwanese.  This is an important and influential group for us to keep connected with!

The next event was the Da-Guan Dance Theater performance of Fantastic Taiwan 101 at the Cary Arts Center.  We (Sister Cities) had arranged for a proclamation and gifts for the visiting foreign dignitaries.  Kris Carmichael was efficient as always and had everything ready and available.  As usual, we were trying to figure out just what would be the protocol, etc just before the performance.  Since there was no rehersal it always feel like you are flying by the seat of your pants...  I was not supposed to have anything to do but watch, but found I had to step in to cover the reading of the Proclamation as our Councilor Jack Smith had a family emergency.  I was so glad that I had dressed up for the Business Meeting (and that I had bought new dress clothes a few days before) since I had to go on stage, read the proclamation and present it to TECO Director General Ms. Anna Kao.  I did ok, except had difficulty in the date, I started out saying May 27th 19..., and in pronouncing Mayor Weinbrecht's last name (sorry Harold).  Both gaffes brought a chuckle from the crowd.

The performances were absolutely spectacular.  The dancing was very professional (we found out that the performers were all graduating Seniors from the program), and the dancers somehow changed outfits very, very quickly and often and the girls could just glide over the floor.  I had the feeling like I was watching the final of a "Taiwan's Got Talent" production, as each dance was so different.  The staging was also minimal, but they used a backdrop that changed colors to set the mood, and spotlights were used frequently to stage the stories that were being told by the dances.  I was so glad to have been able to see this performance.  There literally is enough to say to fill pages and pages but I won't bore you.  If you have a chance, you must see this performance if it ever comes back.

The last event of the day was a BBQ reception for the dance company, the busienss leaders and TECO representatives, VIP's, etc. from the day's events.  I was able to meet up with Jack Smith and we arrived at the BBQ during a heavy rain storm and just in time to present the gifts from the Town of Cary.  There were rounds and rounds of recognitions and gift giving during the evening and really good food.  Jack and I discussed that we really enjoyed the event as it had a much more informal feel and we got a chance to know some of the people much better.

Jack and I ended the evening with one of the famous sister cities after meeting meetings at Mahoney's Pub.  What a tiring and rewarding day!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Day With The Taiwanese

Today is a busy day for the Sister Cities Association of Cary, Inc. with several activities today with the Taiwanese community.  I am honored to be invited to these activities and will report on them later.

Sister Cities Association of Cary, Inc.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Events for Taiwanese visitors to Cary

North Carolina Taiwanese American Chamber of Commerce
Luncheon & News Conference
Prestonwood Country Club, Business Attire
  • The official establishment of the North Carolina Taiwanese American Chamber of Commerce (NCTACC) chapter of the North American Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce (NATCC).

Taiwanese American Heritage Week
Cultural Performance
Cary Arts Center
  • Da-Guan Dance Theatre, a performing troupe established under the auspices of the Department of Dance, National Taiwan University of Arts will be performing in the 2012 North America Taiwanese Heritage Week.

6:30pm to 8:30pm
BBQ dinner hosted by TECO, Atlanta Office (Taipei Economic and Cultural Office)
Recognitions and Gifts
Cary Wessex Clubhouse
  • Opportunity to get to know the performing group, local Taiwanese community group leaders, and TECO officials.

TECO Atlanta
  • Director General Ms. Anna Kao
  • Cultural Center Director Mr. Michael Sun
  • Consular Director Mr. TinYen Kuo
  • Commercial Division Director Mr. TinHwa Wang
North Carolina Taiwanese American Chamber of Commerce (NCTACC)
  • Jenny Chen, President, NCTACC
  • Timothy Lee, Vice President, NCTACC
  • Scott Chen, Vice President, NCTACC
Da-Guan Dance Theater
  • Artistic Director, Ms. Dr. Wu

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Colorful Choices

This is what resulted from my shopping trip today.  For those that know me, this will be a huge change!  I went looking for my usual button down Oxfords in white, blue and grey.  I did find those and had them in hand, when my eye caught the display near the nook where I find my usually boring shirts - how can you go wrong with basic colors?

Today, something was telling me that I needed a change, something a little different than the usual.  I'm still unsure about striped shirts, so the shirts are still single color, and still are button downs...  I think I  need to change slowly.